Color Palette In C# | WPF | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar
There are three class(es) in color palette tool. 1] ColorPalette, 2] ColorCell, 3] AddColorCell. Today, I will write reference and example about color palette. This tool is available for private use only. And the API is written in WPF C#. 1] ColorPalette Class API This is a main class of my color palette tool. This class provides functionalities for set current color, add new cell, remove exist cell, and remove all exist cells. Also has an event fire while current color change. We also set functionalities of importing and exporting ColorPalette. Properties This property stores color and also fire an event CurrentColorChanged. Syntax public Color CurrentColor Constructors This is one and default constructor. Syntax public ColorPalette() Methods These methods are used for adding and removing ColorCell from the ColorPalette. Also used for importing and exporting ColorPalette. Syntax public void AddColorCell(ColorCell ColorCell) public void RemoveColorCell(ColorCell ColorCell) public v...