

Difference between scrollHeight, offsetHeight, and clientHeight. Box model in CSS | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

scrollHeight scrollHeight is a measurement of the height of an element's content including content not visible on the screen due to overflow. offsetHeight offsetHeight is a measurement which includes the element borders, the element vertical padding, the element horizontal scrollbar (if present, if rendered) and the element CSS height. clientHeight It returns the inner height of an element in pixels, including padding but not the horizontal scrollbar height, border, or margin. For more information see answer of StackOverflow  and for Box model checkout mozilla  answer.

DotNet MAUI Installation | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

DotNet MAUI Installation | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar 1] Download Visual Studio 2022 Preview 2] Must install these workloads 2.1] Mobile development with .NET 2.2] Universal Windows Platform development 2.3] Desktop development with C++ 2.4] .NET Desktop Development 2.5] ASP.NET and web development (required for Blazor Desktop and the BlazorWebView control) 3] Download and install 'Single-project MSIX Packaging Tools for VS 2022' (Visual Studio extension to create apps that target Windows UI Library (WinUI) 3). 4] For WinUI, You also need follow workloads... 4.1] Universal Windows Platform development 4.2] Desktop development with C++ 4.3] .NET Desktop Development 5] For WinUI, Make sure that, In 'Individual components' tab 'Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0)' is required in the 'SDKs, libraries, and frameworks' section. 6] Check this also 'C++ (v142) Universal Windows Platform tools' is required in the 'Universal Windows Pla...

Example of ColorPicker and ColorPalette

Here is the example. XAML (.xaml) <gui:ColorPicker x:Name="ColorPicker"/> <gui:ColorPalette x:Name="ColorPalette"/> C# (.cs) private bool IsLockedPickerAndPalette = false; private void Event() { this.Loaded += (sender, e) => { ColorPalette.ImportColorPalette(); }; ColorPicker.SelectedColorChanged += (sender, e) => { if (IsLockedPickerAndPalette == false) { IsLockedPickerAndPalette = true; ColorPalette.CurrentColor = ColorPicker.SelectedColor; IsLockedPickerAndPalette = false; } }; ColorPalette.CurrentColorChanged += (sender, e) => { if (IsLockedPickerAndPalette == false) { IsLockedPickerAndPalette = true; ColorPicker.SelectedColor = ColorPalette.CurrentColor; IsLockedPickerAndPalette = false; } }; this.Closing += (sender, e) => { ColorPalette.ExportColorPalette(); ...

ColorPicker API | WPF | C# | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

This is color picker widget fully created in WPF C#. Here is the full API of ColorPicker widget. ColorPicker Class API Properties Syntax public Color SelectedColor Constructors This is one and default constructor. Syntax public ColorPicker() Events Syntax public event EventHandler SelectedColorChanged; ColorPickerTabItem Class API Properties Syntax public Color SelectedColor Constructors This is one and default constructor. Syntax public ColorPickerTabItem() Events Syntax public event EventHandler SelectedColorChanged; StandardColorsTabItem Class API Properties Syntax public Color SelectedColor Constructors This is one and default constructor. Syntax public StandardColorsTabItem() Events Syntax public event EventHandler SelectedColorChanged; Point7ColorPicker Class API Properties Syntax public double SelectedOffset Constructors This is one and default constructor. Syntax public Point7ColorPicker() Events Syntax public event EventHandler SelectedOffsetChanged; Point4ColorPicker Class AP...

ProcessBox API | WPF | C# | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

ProcessBox Class API Small widget which show current process with responsive UI.  Constructure  This is one and default constructor. Syntax public ProcessBox() Properties Syntax public ProcessBoxTypes Type public string Description public ProcessBoxOptions Option Methods Syntax public void SetCurrentProcess(string Status) public void SetCurrentProcess(string Status, int Percentage) public static void Show(ProcessBox ProcessBox) public static void Close(ProcessBox ProcessBox) PredictableProcessUI Class API Constructure  This is one and default constructor. Syntax public PredictableProcessUI() Properties Syntax public int Process Methods Syntax public async Task LoadUI() public async Task UnloadUI() UnpredictableProcessUI Class API Constructure  This is one and default constructor. Syntax public UnpredictableProcessUI() Methods Syntax public async Task LoadUI() public async Task UnloadUI() ProcessBoxTypes Enum API ProcessBoxOptions Enum API Example GUI.ProcessBox Proce...

All widgets | WPF | C# | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

 All widgets with API. DialogBox MessageBox ProcessBox NSSlider SelectionTool ColorPicker ColorPalette ColorEffect EffectPalette

MessageBox API | WPF | C# | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

MessageBox Class API Standard message box for normal, error, warning, and success types with some options OK, OKCancel, YesNo, YesNoCancel and some results None, Ok, Yes, No, Cancel.  Constructure  This is one and default constructor. Syntax public MessageBox() Properties Syntax public MessageBoxTypes Type {set; get;} public string Description {set; get;} public string Code {set; get;} public MessageBoxOptions Option {set; get;} public MessageBoxResults Result {set; get;} Methods System public static MessageBoxResults Show(MessageBox MessageBox) public static MessageBoxResults Show(Window Owner, string Title, MessageBoxTypes Type, string Description, string Code, MessageBoxOptions Option) public static MessageBoxResults Show(Window Owner, MessageModel Model, MessageBoxOptions Option) MessageBoxOptions enum API MessageBoxResults enum API MessageBoxTypes enum API MessageModel Class API Properties Syntax public string Title = null; public MessageTypes Type = MessageTypes.Normal; ...