

Setup Dart Programming Language | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

In this post, I will describe about how to download and install Dart SDK? Here is the Dart official website . If you want to download Flutter then the Dart will be install default. Otherwise, You can download Dart SDK using command-line tools. Actually, SDK Installation is depending on your operating system. For example: If you want to download Dart SDK for Windows then you can download package from 'Chocolatey Package Manager'. The 'Chocolatey Package Manager' is one kind of package manager tool like NPM for JavaScript, NuGet for .Net and Pub for Dart and Flutter. This how there is different processes available for different operating system. So you can see this documentation  for downloading Dart on your operating system. If you want direct download Dart SDK .ZIP file for your platform then download from here the stable version, beta version and dev version of Dart. You can find the zip files at predictable URLs using the following pattern: https://storage.googleapis...

Millions Of Objects Performance In C# WPF | Amit Padhiyar | Saatody

This is little experiment about memory management and time management in WPF while we create millions of objects in small amount of time. Let's see first example while we create one simple class with no properties (empty class). Before we start, we must define some properties in MainWindow. private readonly int TotalObjects = 10000000; private int i = 0; private List<PointClass> Objs = new List<PointClass>(); private Stopwatch Timer = new Stopwatch(); private TimeSpan TS = new TimeSpan(); TotalObjects is variable. And this number used in loop for repeating same process. It means we will create PointClass's object in each cycle and store in Objs List<>. The 'i' is index for loop. Using Stopwatch we will calculate the time and store elapsed time in TimeSpan TS. This experiment uses two loop; 1] for loop and 2] while loop. public class PointClass { } First create empty class. This class hasn't any property. See the below example to see How much time ...

Create Custom Shaped Window C# WPF | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

First we need to set some properties for window. The property WindowStyle will be None. Property AllowsTransparency will be true. WindowStartupLocation property will be CenterScreen. And The Background will be Transparent. Now you need to use Clip property for window reshape. <Window x:Class="Saatody.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Saatody" Title="MainWindow" Height="500" Width="500" WindowStyle="None" AllowsTransparency="True" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" Background="Transparent"> <Window.Clip> <PathGeometry> ...

Get Color From Pixel C# WPF | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

Today I will show you, How to get pixel color from particular UIElement. Here we need two main class(es). RenderTargetBitmap and CroppedBitmap. MainWindow.xaml <Window x:Class="Pixel.MainWindow" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:mc="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Pixel" mc:Ignorable="d" Title="MainWindow" Height="450" Width="800"> <Grid> <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="300"/> <RowDefinition Height="30"/> <RowDefinition Height="30"/> </Grid.RowDefinitions> <Border Name="Pi...

Create Sinewave Using C# | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

Welcome again, Today I will create sinewave on slider using C# WPF. Here I need to use Math.sin(angle). First I want to show using little demo of sinewave. This is example of sinewave. Here sin() function always give output between -1 to 1 range. The x-axis is known as frequency(time) and the y-axis known as amplitude. Here The angles 0, 180 and 360 gives output 0. But angle 90 gives +1 value while angle 270 gives -1 value in output. We can manipulate range instead of -1 to 1. For example: 0 to 255 or -255 to 255. Let's start coding with two different scenarios. First we need to make common structure using C#. First create slider using WPF XAML. <Slider Name="Slider" Value="0" Minimum="-2" Maximum="2" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center"/> <Label Name="Value" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom"/> Now create...

Download Image From HTML Canvas | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

Today, The HTML canvas is very useful element for all developers who are creating web games, web controls, and web tools. In this post, I will explain about small use (but very important) of HTML Canvas is Convert HTML canvas (2d shapes and image) to image format and save image output in your device (local memory / hard drive / memory card). See the below three images All images file name is below with its URL. Picture1.png: Picture2.png: Picture3.png:

DevExpress WPF GridControl | Q&A | Saatody | Amit Padhiyar

 How to hide group panel from table view of GridControl? You can hide group panel (filter panel or filter search panel) using ShowGroupPanel property. Set the value ShowGroupPanel = false will hide group panel from table view of GridControl. ShowGroupPanel = false How to add dynamic columns in GridControl? You can add, remove and clear columns using Grid.Columns. For adding new column, You should use Grid,Columns.Add(new GridColumn()). For better understanding you can see the below first example: Grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { FieldName = "Name", Visible = true }); Grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { FieldName = "Mobile", Visible = false }); Grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { FieldName = "Email", Visible = false }); Grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { FieldName = "Address", Visible = false }); Grid.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { FieldName = "Company", Visible = false }); Now if you want remove particular column then you should use Grid.Colu...